March 17, 2020

The Engineering Excellence team is aware of the seriousness of COVID-19, and the effects to our clients and employees.  Everyone’s safety remains our top priority.  As information becomes available, we are evaluating and updating all of our policies and procedures to meet everyone’s need as best we can.

We continue to provide services to our clients and are prepared to meet your needs whenever you are ready.

We appreciate your trust in us through these difficult circumstances and will continue to communicate with each of you as we overcome the challenge.

If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us.  As we navigate through COVID-19, communication will be key.

We have not had and do not foresee any disruption in our services and are currently taking the following steps:

  • Meeting daily as a leadership team to evaluate and update our policies and procedures
  • Ensuring our technicians have the needed supplies (gloves, sanitizer, sanitizing wipes, etc. ) and training to perform in this environment
  • Practicing social distancing by having all office employees work from home
  • Rescheduling all meetings from in person meetings to teleconferences and video conferences
  • Cancelling external travel, tradeshows, conferences, etc.
  • Increasing the nature of our office sanitizing procedures to ensure our facilities are clean for when our employees return to the office
  • Mandating if technicians are sick that they stay home
  • Prohibiting visitors to our facilities

Best regards,

Robert Flynn                           Christopher Papp

General Manager                   Vice President of Sales